Have you ever wondered why people of great ability
don’t achieve great performance?
The simple fact is that superior ability only equates to superior potential, not necessarily results. It is an unfortunate truth that many of those who could be peak performers engage in behaviors that inhibit rather than enable superior performance. Peak Consulting Group is in the business of providing Behavioral Management and Sales Consulting in order to assess and adjust the behaviors that stifle growth and productivity on executive management teams. We specialize in designing strategies that break the patterns of behavior that keep them from achieving their maximum potential. A strong focus on coaching and training senior executives, directors, boards and teams in behavioral change management has produced dramatic results in the individuals and company clients. With over 20 years experience in the areas of sales, marketing, and senior management, our services result in the most influential members of an organization reaching Peak levels of productivity.
Doesn’t your company deserve to be at its Peak?
David McNeff
The conventional way of thinking about work-life balance in binary terms presents a zero-sum game. Increasing time to spend with family means less time for managing one’s career. But if you don’t take care of your career, you will not be able to provide for your family. It is a circular way of framing the problem.
David J. McNeff takes a different approach. In his book, The Work-Life Balance Myth (2021), he contends there is no such thing as work-life balance. McNeff’s alternative is called the seven-slice approach. Instead of viewing the problem as work OR family, McNeff describes seven domains where people spend their time: family, professional, personal, physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual. People need all seven.
--From Larry Stybel's "Why Work-Life Balance is a Myth" on Psychology Today